Incluse Terms to Call Your Class When Addressing the Whole Group

Finding the best way to address your whole class can be difficult, especially because many terms have connotations that may feel exclusionary or offensive to students. 

Here are a few inclusive options to use when talking to your students: 

  • Scholars 
  • Bearcats (or whatever your school mascot is) 
  • Brave Learners 
  • Readers 
  • Writers 
  • Authors 
  • 6th Graders 
  • Earthlings 
  • Wonderful People 
  • Academic Risk Takers (from AVID) 
  • Team 
  • Folks 
  • World Changers 
  • Y'all 
  • Debaters 
  • Future Leaders 
  • Peeps 
  • 3rd Period 
  • Adventurers 

What are your favorite terms to address your class? Leave a comment below to share what works best for you. 


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